Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Gulfport

Tiger Cubs Taekwondo

Our Tiger Cubs program is geared toward 4 and 5 year old children. And yes, these young students can benefit from martial arts training.
They learn:
1. Important Life skills
2. Balance and Coordination
3. Physical Fitness
4. Social Interaction
5. Fun Competition

Tiger Cubs Taekwondo

Early Physical Development

Age-appropriate martial arts drills to promote coordination and gross motor movement.

Fundamental Life Skills

Classroom lessons that promote character development like how to listen and obey.

Play-Based Social Interaction

Games that help students learn about interacting with classmates, sharing, and safety.

Firm Foundation

Lesson #1? Having fun. At Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Gulfport, we believe that the secret to success in Martial Arts is a love for the sport before anything else. When students have a genuine passion for Taekwondo, they practice and perform with a level of vigor, enthusiasm, and confidence that can’t be taught. When it comes to our Tiger Cubs students, fostering that passion is our top priority. We teach students basic Taekwondo stances and techniques in a way that is fun and exciting. By incorporating lots of games and group activities, students don’t even realize how much they’re learning while they’re playing and getting their energy out.

Vital Values

Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Gulfport’s Taekwondo training is every parent’s dream. We believe that instilling lifelong values and morals from a young age is just as important as teaching students the perfect roundhouse kick. At Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Gulfport, we teach our Tiger Cubs how to practice respect towards adults, demonstrate discipline in school and at home, be patient and kind with friends and classmates, eat healthily, and take care of their bodies, and stay safe. By enrolling your child in a Taekwondo class at Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Gulfport, you are setting them up for success in their future friendships, academic experiences, and life choices.

Confidence Building

Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Gulfport is dedicated to empowering you with the confidence and self-esteem needed to succeed in everyday life. Martial Arts can bring out the positive qualities that have always been a part of you, whether that is inner calm, positive mental attitude, patience, or self-discipline. Martial Arts will help you overcome fear, anger, and self-doubt, and leave you feeling confident in any situation.

Caring Community

One of the most important parts of childhood is establishing meaningful friendships. The Exchange Family Center said it best: “Friendships developed during the preschool and early school years give children valuable contexts in which to learn and practice skills related to social, cognitive, communicative, and emotional development.” Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Gulfport creates an environment where students get to train together, encourage each other, and develop friendships that go far beyond the dojo.

At Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Gulfport, we care deeply about every one of our students. When you enroll your young student in one of our classes, you are providing them with a safe space where fitness is fun, mistakes are welcomed, and growth is viewed as an ongoing process. Join us today and watch your child blossom!

Want to learn more about our programs? Click here!

We are committed to helping each and every student reach their fullest potential. Get started today!